CAEN 2024
Clasificarea Activitatilor din Economia Nationala

Repararea, intretinerea si instalarea masinilor si echipamentelor

2 grupe

Diviziunea 33 face parte din

Sectiunea C - Industria prelucratoare

Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2 ?InfoNACE rev.2 este Nomenclatorul Activitatilor din Comunitatea Europeana, utilizat in toate statele membre.

CAEN este traducerea acestui nomenclator.

ENG - Repair and installation of machinery and equipment
FRA - Rã¹paration et installation de machines et d'ã¹quipements
GER - Reparatur und installation von maschinen und ausrã¼stungen

Descriere (limba engleza) ?InfoDescrierea este prezentata in limba engleza, fiind textul oficial conform NACE rev.2 (Nomenclatorul Activitatilor din Comunitatea Europeana).

Traducerea in limba romana nu este disponibila in format electronic, autoritatile romane oferind-o publicului doar in format tiparit, contra cost, desi este o simpla traducere a unei clasificari la nivel european care poate fi consultata gratuit de catre orice persoana.

Versiunea in limba romana este traducerea fidela a prezentului text din limba engleza.

This division includes the specialised repair of goods produced in the manufacturing sector with the aim to restore machinery, equipment and other products to working order. The provision of general or routine maintenance (i.e. servicing) on such products to ensure they work efficiently and to prevent breakdown and unnecessary repairs is included.

This division does only include specialised repair and maintenance activities. A substantial amount of repair is also done by manufacturers of machinery, equipment and other goods, in which case the classification of units engaged in these repair and manufacturing activities is done according to the value-added principle which would often assign these combined activities to the manufacture of the good. The same principle is applied for combined trade and repair.

The rebuilding or remanufacturing of machinery and equipment is considered a manufacturing activity and included in other divisions of this section.

Repair and maintenance of goods that are utilised as capital goods as well as consumer goods is typically classified as repair and maintenance of household goods (e.g. office and household furniture repair, see 95.24).

Also included in this division is the specialised installation of machinery. However, the installation of equipment that forms an integral part of buildings or similar structures, such as installation of electrical wiring, installation of escalators or installation of air-conditioning systems, is classified as construction.

This division excludes:
- cleaning of industrial machinery, see 81.22
- repair and maintenance of computers and communications equipment, see 95.1
- repair and maintenance of household goods, see 95.2


Documente Rubinian corespondente (32)

Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Repair of fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment
FRA - Réparation d'ouvrages en métaux, de machines et d'équipements
GER - Reparatur von Metallerzeugnissen, Maschinen und Ausrüstungen
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Installation of industrial machinery and equipment
FRA - Installation de machines et d'équipements industriels
GER - Installation von Maschinen und –Ausrüstungen a. n. g.

Legislatia utilizata

CAEN Rev.2 este implementata la nivel national incepand cu 01.01.2008, conform Ordinulului nr. 337/2007 al Presedintelui Institutului National de Statistica, privind actualizarea Clasificarii activitatilor din economia nationala – CAEN, publicat in Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 293 din 03/05/2007.


Actualizarea CAEN Rev.2 a fost efectuata cu respectarea prevederilor Regulamentului Comisiei Europene Nr. 1893/2006 de modificare a Regulamentului Consiliului Comunitatii Economice Europene Nr.3037/90 privind Nomenclatorul Activitatilor din Comunitatea Europeana – NACE Rev.2. Rubinian va pune la dispozitie corespondenta CAEN rev.2 cu NACE rev.2, inclusiv explicatiile pe marginea codurilor (in limba engleza).

Cuvinte cheie

Cuvinte cheie: codul CAEN 2024, coduri CAEN, cod CAEN, codurile CAEN, codificarea CAEN

281 Documente Anexe la Codul Muncii